Philippe TORNE
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Hello I tried the Auto Emergency Descent today by doing a manual decompression and noticed that the aircraft is targeting FL10 (1000ft) instead of FL100 or MORA. I also noticed that the MORA disappeared from the ND. I was overflying water. Best regards
Hello I don't understant the distances and times displayed on the FIX INFO page. According to my actual position during the screenshot I was 385 NM away from VTBU. Same issue here with my destination airport WSSS : Best regards
Hello I noticed that the landing weight is incorrect on the PERF/APPR page. Saw the issue at every flight I did. See the attached screenshot. Best regards
Hello when I import the winds using the CPNY WIND REQUEST function during preflight (from the INIT/WIND page) I get no waypoints in the drop-down menu of the CRZ WIND page (my FPLN was already uploaded of course) and the fuel predictions are very pessimistic giving me often a DEST EFOB EICAS message. However when actually flying in cruise, I noticed that the page is populated with relative coherent winds regarding my SimBrief forecast and I get to destination with the expected fuel, even often more. Is it a normal behavior ? Best regards
Happened to me too yesterday off from KLAX to EFHK. 259T of TOW, THS set according with the TO PERF on the OIS. Didn't record the exact values.
Hello I started my flight with 4 step climbs manually set in the STEP ALTS page : PENOR -> FL350, PENEX -> 370, ELSIV -> 390 and IGONA -> 410. The screenshots attached shows the status of the PERF/CRZ and STEP ALTS pages between PENEX and ELSIV. UTC and DISTANCE looks ok regarding to ELSIV, but WPT identifier and target altitudes are "frozen" at PENOR. Best regards
Hello, may you please have a look at the attached screenshots. I flew the RNP RWY 22R at EFHK, the approach has published LPV minimas. Why does the aircraft flies this approach using FLS ? According to my understanding of the FCOM, it should select SLS. Best regards.
Hello please have a look at the attached video (link will exprire in 2 days). After pressing the ALT knob, DES engaded as expected but the aircraft climb for about 700ft before to recover and descend. Best regards. https://streamable.com/j2qlp7
Hello the FIX INFO MCDU page displays wrong distances calculations. See the attached screenshots, CYWG was about 240 NM away on the ND, while the FIX INFO page gave me... very different distances. Tested with various airports, navaids etc... always the same distances issues. Best regards
Hello, it would be very usefull to add the possibility to drag all the enroute maps (Navigraph High, Low, etc..) of the OIS with the mouse, like in the real aircraft, instead of having it only locked centered on the aircraft Best regards
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Hello I tried a late descent to test the airplane's behavior and noticed that it takes crazy pitch and vertical speed with only 1/2 speedbrakes extended could you please tune the flight model ? Best regards
Hello I tried to build a new route inflight in the SEC 1 and when I entered DEP/ARR airports IN THE SEC INIT PAGE then the aircraft reverted to HDG mode and I noticed that all my ACTIVE FPL was deleted. This is one of the many bugs I noticed when working with SEC FPL. There are very serious issues with the segregation between ACTIVE and SEC FPL. Best regards
See the attached screenshots please. Hello if I want to insert a WPT in the FPL with the "INSERT NEXT WPT" function and the MCDU promps a sub menu (say for example if I need to choose between 2 WPTs (same name in the database), or if I need to create a USER WPT) when I confirm and leave the sub menu, the WPT is always inserted at the top of the FPL instead of after the WPT at which I selected "INSERT NEXT WPT" function. Edit : looks like there is no issue if the SEC FPL is created from an empty FPL, but only when the ACTIVE has already been impoted to the SEC. Best regards
Hello my Navigraph database is up to date in the A350 via the OIS and despite this I am not able to enter an airway which exists, since Hotfix 1.0.1 Best regards