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Everything posted by junepark0618

  1. Ohhh Got it Will post it up in the MSFS Forums Thanks for the reply though xD
  2. Hello Guys, It’s me again xD As from the recent Airbus’s update on the Neo, we now have a autobrake off aural message when the autobrake gets disarmed after landing. You could probably hear it at about 2:30 Not a big deal, but this small detail would make this plane better
  3. Hello Guys, I've got to find out a minor issue in the retard callout of this aircraft. The aircraft won't make the retard callout when the throttles are already in idle position before 20ft. According to the FCOM that I have, it surely says Retard Announcement The loudspeaker announces Retard at: 20 ft, or at 10 ft if autothrust is active and one autopilot is in LAND mode. In the real world aircraft, the plane calls retard at 20ft no matter the thrust is in idle postition or not. For reference, here's a A320neo landing in Cusco with the retard callout though the pilot put the throttles into idle position at about 40ft. It is not a big issue, but I wish it does get fixed to match the real world one. xD
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