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Everything posted by 737PILOT2018

  1. I have recently bought the A350 for MSFS2020 and I was astonished that IT COULD FOLLOW LNAV, VNAV AND MOSTLY A/T PERFECTLY EVEN AT SIM RATE X8!!!!!!!!! I have never seen a so stable autopilot in sim rate x8! The lnav was perfect! The vertical hehavior was PEERFECT! THE A/T Maintained the speed so precise I couldnt detect any speed deviation from the selected SPEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And what do we have in the a300? An overshooting LNAV even in SIM RATE X2!!!!!!!!!!! Same bad behavior for the vertical behavior!!! And OMG dont talk a bout a/t...... In sim rate x2 it deviates from the target speed of 50knots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH! Basically I set 140Knots when I land and it goes like 140 : idle , no ,react, basically spooling up at a snail's rate 90: finally spooling up and full toga to 180knots 185 : finally understandiong that THE PLANE IS PICTHING UP AS A SIDE EFFECT so IDLE and it gets worse... Honestly we have the A300 for idk 2 years and we are asking this question for like 3 billion years and we get nothin. Basically ur "OMG 2024 JULY LNAV UPDATE OMGGGGG BIG UPDATTEEEEEE" Well it did nothhing: All we get is actually a texture update every 2 month and some random EFB fixes cuz why not? We dont want a flying delorean car update alr? We dont want a A300 B4 UPDATE ALR? We just want A NORMAL BEHAVIOR !!! And plzzz IMPORT THE AUTOPILOT BEHAVIOR FROM THE A350 INTO THE A300!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I REALLY PAID 55$ FOR THIS ALR? I DONT EVEN FLY WITH IT ANYMORE CUZ EVEN IN NORMAL SIM RATE THE BEHAVIOR IS JUST LIKE SOME ROBLOX VACUUM CLEANER BEHAVIOR!!! Man!! Literally when I push all the way forward my thrust levers they take the whole century to spool up!! Alr I know some Just Flight bozos are gonna come here and assault everywhere and say: " BUT HYPEPOPEPOTETYLCALYY THIS IS THE NORMAL RATE OF SPOOL UP ACCORDING TO LINE 351367135 OF PAGE 3252 OF THE A300 -600R STANDARD OPERATIONS MANUAL!" BRO JUST SHUT UP! Dont come here to say its unrealistic, come here to FIX THIS! I literally paid 55$ FOR THIS! And as I already said u have already a PERFECT AND AMAZING AUTOPILOT IN THE A350 U JUST gotta do ur dev job and like do the same code for the a300! EZ! Well im not a dev but I know that when u already have a PERFECT AND AMAZING AUTOPILOT AAAND AUTOTHROTTLE THEN U PUT IT ON OTHER AIRVRAFTS AS WELL!!! AND NOT JUST FOR THE A300!!! FOR YOUR WHOLE FLEET!!!!!!! A320NEO!!!!!! A310!!! ALL OF YOUR AIRLINERS!!! IMPORT THE BEHAVIOR FROM THE A350!!!!!!!!!! And plz dont tell us its gonna happen Q4 2035 plz. U guys just made THE MOST WAITED PRODUCT OF THE YEAR ALR? AND I SHOW RESPECT TO U! I COULD BUY IT TWICE JUST TO GIVE YOU THE MONEY AND RESPECT FOR THIS A350!! But u gotta import those a/p and a/t and throttle behaviors. Please. Goodbye. Have a nice flight.
  2. So u said that a350 support sim rate ? can you do it in next update for the a300 and a310?So slow throttlr response is fond?and slow autopilot response gone too ? And same for ini a320?
  3. Also i have a request could you make the airbus orange house test livery for the a300: in the vid i did dis for a310 but I would love dis for a300 And also the Old AIR INTER livery like tge F-BUAK livery with the blue cyan and red line on it? Im french so it would be an icon anyway have a nice day all!
  4. But in other wide bodies like the 767, the spool up is MUCH faster. The A/T of the A310 is "wobbling" because when it wants to slow down, it takes a long time to do it and when it wanna accelerate, it does it but slow so when I land I'm afraid of stalling because if I set for example 123Knots, I'm afraid that the plane is at 123, but does not accelerate cuz the engines are spooling up, you get it? I dont say this is anormal but please in future updates could you implement this delay into AP so he can predict the delay and so the A/T is responding much better. Overall this plane is a diamond: I have recently bought the A300 and its a jewel! Very good job this is amazing!
  5. In msfs, with the A300 AND the A310, the throttle response is VERY slow and spooling up is VERY VERY SLOW. I am wondering if this is an issue, and if it is, how to fix it?
  6. I said yesterday it was fixed and I apologyse again I didnt put the cost index cuz I dont know what it is cuz I playmsfs since only 1 month so Im not a pro pilot. I apologyse and I know its an error of mine. Have a nice flight!
  7. Alain I apologise . It didnt work cuz I didnt put cost index. Bye
  8. Ok guys i found a fix guys sorry for the previous post: I'm so dumb: i didnt put cost index so Landing weight couldnt sync and this affected the landing capabilities apparently. Idk whats cost index and how it affect landing weight so yeah bye guys i wont reply cuz i wont look this forum anymore dont expect me to reply goodbye
  9. IN MSFS: Hello guys i did an RNAV approach at FMEP and i couldnt arm P.DES. I did all the approach stuff like being at the iaf alt, speed contraint, aircraft is configired and clixked the 3.0 final and im seeing the vdev slowly decreasing. What is weird is that THIS WORKS PERFECTLY FINE WITH THE A310!!!!!! Also im at a300 PW V1.1.0. Also , in the init B page , i put all the weights but the LW doesnt work: its like dis: LW---.-- bro it wont enter a number in it i put zfw, block, zfwcg, tow all that stuff but still dont work: PLZ HELP ME i bought a plane 35£ and it dont even WORK! I DONT EVEN HAVE CONTRAINTS ON WAYPOINTS! I only get cstr on RNAV points but samz thing : IN THE A310 IT WORKS! in a310: PROFILE WORKS, P DES WORKS, LW WORKS and CONTRAINTS ARE THERE WHAT IS THE PROBLEM??????????? PLZ HELP ME!!!
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