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Daniel Stadler

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Everything posted by Daniel Stadler

  1. Yes that worked for me.. Also you need to load it in the efb!
  2. “ Clear” button works🙈
  3. I got it to work of you put in Company Route or the to/from section. i think its Not very usefull to only be able to load a flight plan when Engines Not running, even if so in the real plane
  4. hello guys, First thank for the great work you did on the a300, one can imagine how great the a350 and a380 are going to be! I have one Suggestion: I think for me as a working parent it is not always possible to do a flight all at once. So it would be greatly appreciate if you would implement Panel State saving possibilities to save flight, for instance via volanta autosave! Would be absolutely necessary for the upcoming A350! p.s or is there a way I am not seeing? Thank you very much! Kind regards from Austria, Daniel
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