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  1. Thanks for the reply, at less I am not they only one. Having done a lots of test, this problem doesn't happened with any other planes. So it has to be related to the A350.
  2. You need to log into your Navigraph account, click on your account and on the left side you will see some options, go to the devices menu and sig out from iniBuilds EFB - Chrome 49.0.2623 . Then reload the A350 in MSFS 2020 and reconnect navigraph to our account. Then go back to main menu in msfs and reload the plane. Everything should work. Pierrefsx
  3. Hi, I have noticed a weird bug with the new A350 in MFSF 2020. If I load the plane using the WORLD MAP menu and I select departure airport and I hit the FLY option, the plane load correctly and I get the READY to start my flight, so I hit READY. At this point if I hit ESC and go to the CONTROL OPTIONS, I get the menu, but I cannot configure any of my controller. This option is not functioning normally, and I cannot assign any keys, button, knob or axis. Bug`s like missing menu options, missing choices, blank lines and so on. Also, if I try to open the PRESET MANAGER it simply doesn’t load. This only happened when I load the A350 in the WORLD MAP menu, other planes work finds. But if I open the Control options using the main menu, everything works fine. Very strange, I wonder if I am the only one having this problem.
  4. Great news I will be looking for it Thanks
  5. Hi, I am wondering why anyone is creating this airport scenery. The one that come with FSMS 2020 & 2024 is just a poor representation of the real one. Jetways are not all working and parking allocations is all wrong. It’s one of the major hub in the world so a good scenery like the one Inibuilds did for London Heathrow and are in process of upgrading it. thanks
  6. Yes I did, but after re installing the plane with the manager, I started a new flight and everything seems to be find now. I will report back if the problem comes back. Thanks
  7. Sorry speak to soon, the speed window is not working when setting DH value on landing. You cannot get the speed to show in the window. But speed window works perfectly if you do not set DH. This is new since the last update.
  8. This morning I un-installed and re-installed the Airbus300 using the INI manager, and all the problems that I had after installing the update were gone. Including the speed display not working. Everything is back to normal
  9. Me too, but it a new bug it's since the new update.
  10. Sorry, this is for the Airbus 300-600
  11. This morning I use the weight and balance page and I realized that a new feature was added. So I did the update from simbrief and hit apply loads to aircraft. A new circular red arrow appeared in the right corner . I click on it and the load fuel now appeared like before to get instant fuelling. So at that point the number for TOW, ZFW, MACGW% should not change anymore, the aircraft is supposedly loaded. This morning I notice that those numbers were increasing, even after 15 minutes. It was like the loading process was not terminated and that weight was added to the payload. I did check if the proper amount of fuel was loaded and yes it was. I didn't use GSX Anybody else got that problem, I could get the INIT second page filled up because the CW% kept changing.
  12. I have the same issue with my TCA
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