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Everything posted by CaptStig

  1. Would like to see integration of the IDC with RealACARS. As far as I understand, it *should* be able to work with the Hoppie logon information but currently doesn't. I believe the RealACARS team has tried to reach out to Ini to resolve the issue, but wanted to help voice support of having it working in the future.
  2. This is also able to be done from the Progress Page:
  3. Hello Inibuilds, I've noticed that there is no lateral offset available on the Lateral Revision page in the CDU; it would be great to see this function implemented in the future:
  4. Same here, also the APU sounds continues after shutdown
  5. Hi Inibuilds, I'm really enjoying the aircraft! I've seen some videos where there is a red indicator that becomes visible when the spoiler handle is lifted to the "armed" position. Is this something you can add to help verify the spoilers are armed? Thanks! video for reference:
  6. @Nico - Gumby I thought callouts were inhibited when taking off:
  7. I found that part confusing as well, along with the diagram below that paragraph. That section seems to first indicate that a constraint will be missed if the FCU ALT is not increased in time, which makes sense. Then it states that all constraints between the aircraft actual altitude and FCU ALT are deleted, which makes less sense as the aircraft has presumably already leveled off at the FCU ALT. But then again, on Page 7, it shows a typical climb profile with the FCU ALT at T/C and the aircraft leveled off at the altitude constraint below it, which is consistent with paragraph I highlighted earlier.
  8. Should the A300-600/A310 level off at constraints in the climb when PROF is active? I don't fly it IRL but found this in the A310's FCOM which seems to suggest it should actually level off when it encounters an AT or AT OR BELOW constraint: Can someone confirm the actual behavior of the aircraft? Thanks!
  9. The A300-600R had a "DH" amber display above the radio altitude on the PFD as well as a "Minimum" callout when at the decision height... I think this is modeled on the XP version. Can this be included on the MSFS version too? Thanks!
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