Love the aircraft and just updated with the newest patch.
On final to 24R at KLAX, I accidentally right-clicked on the Windows toolbar, which brought up the menu. I then clicked out of that quickly, and once I did, the left EFIS was blank. Then, I selected flaps full, and the airplane increased thrust significantly and quickly (as if I had selected toga), reaching 220kts, and forcing a go-around. Once in the go-around, putting the throttle back in the CLB gate and selecting the speed, the A/THR would increase the thrust significantly, blowing past the 250kts speed limit. I had to fly on manual thrust until I was back on final, fully configured, after which I tried the A/THR again and put the throttle in the climb gate, and the plan maintained VAPP.
See attached - EFIS is blank, throttle in the CLB gate and A/THR on, no speed mode on the PFD, and selected speed in the in FCU.