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  1. Love the aircraft and just updated with the newest patch. On final to 24R at KLAX, I accidentally right-clicked on the Windows toolbar, which brought up the menu. I then clicked out of that quickly, and once I did, the left EFIS was blank. Then, I selected flaps full, and the airplane increased thrust significantly and quickly (as if I had selected toga), reaching 220kts, and forcing a go-around. Once in the go-around, putting the throttle back in the CLB gate and selecting the speed, the A/THR would increase the thrust significantly, blowing past the 250kts speed limit. I had to fly on manual thrust until I was back on final, fully configured, after which I tried the A/THR again and put the throttle in the climb gate, and the plan maintained VAPP. See attached - EFIS is blank, throttle in the CLB gate and A/THR on, no speed mode on the PFD, and selected speed in the in FCU.
  2. I think Mini Cockpit has to support it.
  3. Just wanted to confirm - in the Ground ops section of the EFB, I'm not seeing any option to toggle the jetway. Am I missing something or is not implemented yet?
  4. Interesting, I can try that, thanks.
  5. Yeah, I think I also lost fuel. I was flying from EGLL to KJFK, and got to the gate with 1500 lbs - I should’ve had at least 10k. I wasn’t looking at my fuel before the pause, but it’s worth looking at if this bug also reduces fuel (or if fuel is still being consumed during the pause).
  6. Apologies if this has been submitted, but I paused the sim (via ESC to menu) for about 30 min, and when I restarted, the aircraft pitched up violently (1.0.1). It took about 5 min to wrestle it back to a place where I could get the a/p re-engaged and during that time...it was pretty nasty (though some of that is my manual flying skills).
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