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Everything posted by SnakeP

  1. Thank god I'm not the only one! Landed after a more or less uneventful flight, shut down the engines, got GSX to unload the plane (freighter version). All of the sudden, the plane started dancing around violently, had to quit my plans for a turn-around. No direct interaction with the plane when it happened, just GSX was active.
  2. Buuuut, that's what I did...! First, I cleared the speed restriction (the plane still slowed down to 250 kts instead), then I set a new restriction that the plane didn't follow.
  3. Had it the other day that I had a restriction 250/FL190B/16000A on the STAR. I deleted the 250 kts restriction approx 60 nm before the TOD, but the plane still reduced to 250 to meet the original speed restriction from the STAR (PROFILE descent, ofc). In fact, when I entered a different value (like 300 kts) it didn't matter at all, the plane stayed at 250. Can anybody confirm this? Haven't tried changing altitude restrictions, though. Happy New Year :)
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