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Everything posted by Bentree

  1. Dear Nico, You closed a topic of mine asking for examples of how to fly this aircraft. Like your message here above you refer to the inibuilds video series for X-Plane but those are (rather lenghty) explanations of what to find in the cockpit and how to use it.....nothing about how to fly it...nothing about take-off, climb, cruise.... The video series you are referring takes hours and hours and is all about every knob in the cockpit, i watched them all and was quite irritated several times about the lenghty proces of it and the way the guy presents it, he speaks about a simple sqitch for more then 2 minutes repeating himself several times....as he wants us to see how much he knows about it....again nothning about how to fly the aircraft. Regards, Ben
  2. Hi, Great airplane, sounds, FR, systems are top notch! It would be nice to have instreuction vieo's on how to handle the airplane in all flightstages. Regards, Ben
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