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  1. @Nico - Gumby Yes, I am using FSUIPC.
  2. This is the Inibuilds forum not the PMDG forum, no need to flash credentials and speak like you're sitting on a high horse. As for learning how the systems work I recommend A330 Driver's Youtube channel, he has multiple full flights up there already and some detailed episodes on certain parts of the flow, as well as the FMC. I found his videos to be super helpful in learning to fly this plane.
  3. @pmplayer Interesting, not sure if I'm having the same issue. I didn't use GSX generally to lad any cargo, howevee I always use it for pusback but it seems a strech (not impossible though) that GSX is causing this. Hopefullt the Inibuilds team looks at this thread after the holidays and sorts it out. The plane is a joy to fly but this bug makes me hesitant to fly it if every couple flights I just fall out of the sky.
  4. @felipeturbay Just for clarity, the issue I described above (at least to my knowledge) has nothing to do with a pause. At least not in the sense that I get it right after I come out of the pause menu or anything like that. I simply paused the sim so I could record what was happening, however the issue started just before I paused and the first time I had the issue I hadn't paused the flight at all. Not saying it can't happen because of a pause, just that my issue didn't seem to have anything to do with pausing the sim.
  5. I mean icing was my first thought too, but the second time it happened I had consciously switched on Anti Ice for the whole flight, so if it is icing then there's probably another bug too.
  6. I'm glad I'm not the only one having this issue, also I should mention both times this happened I was not actively interacting with the aircraft at that moment or even sometimes minutes before this happened.
  7. Edit* This has happened in 2 out of my 6 flights that I have done so far, so the plane has worked for me just fine in the other 4.
  8. So I've had this bug twice now, both with the initial release version and with the 1.01 Update. Essentially what happens, either at cruise or this time while climbing up to altitude (though already fairly high) the plane just drops out of the skies, I get some kind of warning bell (not sure what, maybe just the stall warning), the autopilot (at least this time) did not turn off, when i turn it off and move the controls nothing happens. Both instances I was unable to control or stop this issue. After the first time it happened I thought maybe Icing was the problem, however this flight I had both engine and wing anti ice on. I was able to capture most of the incident (paused shortly after it started). And as you can see the plane just falls out of the sky like a rock. I have uploaded the Video here (Sadly too large to upload here, 352mb) https://drive.proton.me/urls/5SY2C0Z9MW#1xzx2SUpUpuA I have also attached a screenshot from Volanta showing the trajectory. Let me know if I can be of assistance with any other information.
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