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  1. As mentioned by Jaybird, these flights (EWR and JFK) are operated by the ULR variant, which hasn't been released yet, not to mention they operated with a vastly reduced seat count (161 seats as opposed to 253 on their standard non-regional A350). IIRC, and I may be wrong, but SFO and LAX can be done with the non-standard variant.
  2. It tends to come back if I cycle through the various map modes.
  3. Hm, thanks for that. I suppose it's something I'll have to learn to get used to, seeing as it's not on any of the other Airbus aircraft I fly in the sim 🙂
  4. I'm starting from a cold & dark panel, switch on the batteries, followed by external power and confirm with OIS that I have GPU connected. Then once I'm done setting up the aircraft and start preparing for departure, I switch on the APU followed by the beacon switch, at which point the aircraft powers down completely. Both batteries and external power goes off, the OIS screen goes blank, and I get alerts on the hydraulic system. Please ignore the ongoing IRS alignment, as it was just a quick dive in to get the screenshots, and the position of the throttles, I haven't calibrated it in the -900 yet as I wanted to fly the -1000 first.
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