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  1. @richboy2307 thanks for the explanation- appreciate it! I do think users should absolutely have the ability to control the sim rate (at their own risk) via the keyboard or through popular add ons like Sim Rate Selector. Implementing via the app seems like a good idea, but then if you're using the Auto sim rate then you pretty much always have to keep that page up on the EFB so you can shut it off when needed. Using the keyboard or Sim Rate Adjuster allows extremely simple and fast selection of the sim rate without occupying valuable screen space within the aircraft. Right now when time compression within the EFB is set to OFF, users can't control sim rate via the keyboard or Sim Rate Selector. I think this is a crucial thing for any long haul airliner- again, with it being clear that doing so is 100% at the users own risk to use. Thanks!
  2. Yes @mseder that's exactly what I mean... It should be able to be user controlled via the keyboard or excellent 3rd party add ons like Sim Rate Selector. If the Sim Rate within the EFB is selected to OFF then we should be able to use the keyboard or an app like Sim Rate Selector at our own risk.
  3. @richboy2307 is it possible for the user to actually control the time compression? The only options that I've seen is Auto or OFF (for both 2x and 4x)... I just did my first flight and the time compression never went above 2x even though I had it set to "up to 4x". I just want to make sure that I'm not missing something- thank you!
  4. Unless I'm missing something in how the A350 works with time compression, it seems to only allow for "Auto time compression" or "OFF"... With options of "up to 2x" and "up to 4x"... I have no issues with restricting it to a max of 4x (Fenix does the same thing), but there needs to be an option which allows the user to control it. Right now it's either auto managed (which is a very bad experience) or you can't use it at all. I just tried the Auto setting and it seems to be activating some type of time compression at all times. I think most people use it differently depending on the person, but I know a lot of folks like to activate it during cruise only. We shouldn't have to constantly go into the settings to go from Auto to Off and back again. I would simply request a 3rd option to be added- the options should be "OFF", "Auto", and "Pilot Controlled". Thanks!
  5. According to the charts the style of approach lights should be as shown in the attached screenshot... However, in the update they still seem to be ALSF-II?
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