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Posts posted by dwbarnett

  1. I figured as much Nico- With the quality of work you did on the A310, it rather surprised me on the quality of the MU2. 
    Hence my question re Microsoft/Asobo requesting a simplistic non procedural version of this plane.  I felt IniBuilds had more pride in their development based on previous releases.

    I can see now, that most likely is not the case.

    Any feedback at this point would be a moot point.

    Being that the files are encrypted, nobody else can give the MU2 any further realism she deserves. Perhaps someday, Microsoft/Asobo, will give IniBuilds permission to bring the MU2 up to IniBuilds standards. Heya, you tried.


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  2. I really want to like this plane folks.  I have purchased it.   However, based on your great work on the A310, I was rather disappointed in your MU-2 release after 

    looking forward to it.  I have a few hours in the MU-2, and real world airline pilot on B737's.

    I wanted to ask this question, before I interject any thoughts for potential improvement.   Did Asobo ask you to develop the MU2B-10 ie D model. It would not take that much tweaking to make your D model into a K model Still same type cockpit, just larger SHP and faster than the D model.  WOuld be a cfg tweak most likely.

    Or was that a choice on your end.  Did Asobo ask you folks to simplify the systems, so the plane is more or less a CTRL-E and go aircraft. IE Cater to the Xbox crowd. 

    If the above mentioned are your choices and Asobo didn't influence your decisions, do you have plans to continue to improve the MU2  to a more functional procedural aspect of operation. I have several resources if you needed any kind of information.

    If you don't have any plans to further improve the aircraft, I do appreciate the effort to bring this aircraft to FS2020.  

    I enclosed a Spec sheet from the MU2 aircraft website, that lists a lot of parameters for the Weights,Engines etc.  Perhaps they may help somewhat.

    The K model had a little more weight and range too, as well as speed!

    Thank for your time.


    MU-2 Aircraft Specifications.pdf

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