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  1. Allard

    Runways reversed

    Thanks for your reply. Could the team please also check the windsocks for errors? I think it was opposite the actual wind direction when I landed but I am not 100% sure about that.
  2. Is it me or are the runways on North Fox island and South Fox Island reversed? When I select the runway 18 on South Fox Island (3MI2) as the starting location the aircraft is actually facing north. Little Navmap also shows the runways to be reversed to what they should be: Runway 36 has a heading of 179 degrees magnetic, while runway 18 has 359 degrees as its heading. North Fox island (6Y3) has a similar problem. Runway 07 is actually 246 degrees. This is probably easily fixable by the developer.
  3. I created a support ticket and after they (re) uploaded the new version to their backend server and after that the update went through.
  4. Even though Inimanager reads that version 1.9.0 is available, when trying to install it still downloads the old 1.0.0 version. I have made sure related files were deleted from the community folder. The downloaded installer creates a new scenery folder but the files that are created are identical when compared to an earlier version. The manifest file of both the older backup and the newly downloaded one both read 1.0.0, and the supposed fixes aren't in the newly downloaded files.
  5. Hi all, This is my first post (2nd actually) on these forums so I am saying Hi to you all👋 Unfortunately there is another reason why I came here: I discovered a huge (yes, HUGE) issue with TUPJ airport. There isn't a separate partnerforum for them so hopefully this is a good subforum to post this. The issue is that with this airport installed, I cannot get my gliders to take off. The guy who is holding the glider level and passes the signal to takeoff to the winch is missing. By elimination I found this airport scenery to be the only culprit in my Community folder. I have temporarily worked aroind the issue by removing the airportservices from the layout.json file and renaming the AirportServices folder. This might also have solved another issue that I had: I noticed I had lost the pushback trucks on airport but had not investigated the course for this. After disabling the AirportServices for TUPJ airport they have reappeared, at least for now.
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