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  1. I fixed the loading issues with this solution ....https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/ctd-when-using-free-flight/708781/4?u=mcnuggetbus Also, I realize I posted this in the wrong forum. Sorry. My problem had to do with the premium version not the compatible version. Thanks.
  2. Hello LukeFF, Have a look here.... Looks like the APU has its own fuel pump that is activated when you flip the APU power switch. I hope this helps. Thanks. --Tom
  3. Hello, I just installed the a300-600 Premium version and it cashes when loading. Sometimes the crash happens when I mouse over the plane from the aircraft selection screen. Other times it happens after I select my departure and arrival airport and click Fly.... I do not use FSUIPC I want to try the solution above but when I get to step 3 (copy the a300 folder to the new Community folder) I get the error "Your organizations does not allow you to place this file here". I have three inibuilds a300 folders (inibuilds-a300-aal-074, inibuilds-a300-ups-149, and inibuilds-aircraft-a300). All three produce the sames error. Screenshot is attached. Thanks.
  4. TomXG


    I think the seat belt and no-smoking sounds are still there, just greatly attenuated. I noticed this after the v1.01 update. Thanks.
  5. Thanks very much for that. While you're looking at this please consider setting the default (cold/dark) position for the O2 supply to OFF for both the Freighter and Passenger variants. The O2 supply button defaults to ON on the current (v1.01) Freighter. I recall from the a310 that they defaulted to OFF which I think is the correct state based on checklists, etc... Thanks. --Tom
  6. Update: I am experiencing same as Bob. I tried with all doors shut and just opened the Bulk Cargo hatch. About 5 seconds after it is open, the overstress occurs.
  7. v1.01 (v1.00 too) Freighter (RF) variant Hi, Opening the Bulk Cargo hatch when parked at ramp causes the plane to crash (I don't mean CTD. I mean the message that is something like "you have overstressed your aircraft and caused critical damage". This happens when all other cargo doors are open (Main, Fwd, Aft) and you then open Bulk Cargo. Maybe this is normal. Maybe you're not supposed to have all open. Just thought I should report it. Reproducible at KLAX (iniBuilds) and KORD (FSDT). I used the EFB to open the hatch. It opens all right but about 2 to 5 seconds later the overstress occurs. Work around: don't open Bulk Cargo. Thanks. --Tom
  8. Hi, I watched the intro video and this new maintenance mode looks pretty cool however I cannot figure out how to activate it. From the EFB, Settings page 2/2 it shows Maintenance Mode Disabled. Clicking on that does nothing. Thanks. --Tom
  9. Hi, I fly the iniBuilds A310-300 and whenever I arrive at KBUF and contact ATC ground there is no option to request "taxi to gate". The only option is "request taxi to parking". I would like to have ATC send me to a gate where my ground crew would be waiting for me (I use GSX Pro). I use SimBrief for flight planning and I read in another forum to manually select a gate at KBUF from the MSFS flight plan but this does not seem to help. I think the problem might be that ATC thinks the A310 is too large for the gates at KBUF. I say this because if I ignore ATC and just pull up to a gate GSX Pro tells me my aircraft is too large for the gate and when I ask it to show available spots there are none. I have also disabled the KBUF_jetways.bgl in GSX but this has not helped. Thanks. --Tom
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