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Everything posted by ToastEmperor

  1. I find with several buttons that I need to hold them in for a little longer works as well. Mainly DH button but also the STS/CLR buttons. I'll see if I can identify more in my next flight.
  2. As soon as the overhead A/P switches are on (specifically the Pitch Trim switches) and the FCU (MCP) digits come on, make sure to preset an altitude higher than 0. Then you can preset the V2 speed and press the button inwards, then set the speed to the next speed you want to achieve on the next phase of flight. Either 250kts or any speed you may encounter as a restriction in the SID (210kts for example), you don't need to press the altitude knob for the second speed, only for the pre-set speed. Just in case, not doubting your knowledge: - Make sure the IRS is aligned before activating the pitch trim switches - Make sure the altitude says anything other than 0, or the speed knob won't activate pre-set. Good luck!
  3. On my most recent flight with the A300-600R premium (MSFS2024) my fuel gauges suddenly went haywire and I lost quite a bit of tripfuel, resulting in a fuel emergency landing. Also from somewhere in the middle of the flight my DC power (or at least the batteries) died. I discovered this during the ECAM page checks. Verified via the analog indicator in the overhead panel; all 3 batteries dead. The battery issue I have seen with the A330-200/300 in MSFS2024 as well. On approach for LICJ Palermo the STAR page didn't have a great day either. I first selected the arrival (in this case the ROSAS5L RNAV RWY25 but the ILS for runway 25 was not in the available approach list. Upon selecting another approach the arrival got deleted. Re-selecting the arrival deleted the approach again. In the end I just flew the arrival and selected the ILS frequency and ILS mode for the flight director but nothing happened. Unsure if this is an MSFS thing, Airac thing or A300 thing (or a happy marriage of all three)... Just in case: latest AIRAC verified in FMS. I love the A300-600R a lot, but this was a rough flight! Kind regards, Kevin "ToastEmperor" Valk
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  4. ToastEmperor


    Sorry, I just started a new topic on this, I hadn't read this one yet because it's just called LEIB. Apologies if my topic is redundant/double. As of the latest AIRAC the WIP is thus far that the charts have been adapted and the real life airport is using the new letters. It would be awesome to have the new letters in the scenery as well! Keep up the good work Ini! 😄 Kind Regards, Kevin "ToastEmperor" Valk LEIB_WIP_Letters.pdf LEIB_10-9 Airport_AirportInfo_Take-offMNMS.pdf
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