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  1. By online i mean through your website, https://www.inibuilds.com/.
  2. OKC is 4.89 GB and i purchased them online but i have the iniManager and use that to install the airports. I have updated my graphics card. no other scenery loading with it. Uninstalled and reinstalled Ksat. Still get issues. The area around the airport is sometimes pink and the terminals are compltly gone. Just the Jetways for each terminal show up at the gates. You didnt ask but my KSat folder is 5.62 gb
  3. I just recnetly purchased KOKC,KJKF, KDCA.... and KSAT. All the others work and look great but ksat is giving me trouble. I have tried to uninstall and reinstall it several times. Restarted my PC.. not sure what else to do. I have ran the game with no other mods installed no other scenery and it still wont load correctly. Specificlly i see pink and the Terminals are hollow and i can see stright down through the world map. The runways and taxi's do work and look great. Funny enough i went to the store to buy specifically this airport and its the only one that dosnt work. Can i get some support? if it dosnt work a refund. Im very disapointed with this airport and purchase so far.
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