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Posts posted by tdkid

  1. Greetings Gumbyger!

    Thank you for responding to my post.  I installed the updated LAX 1.1.2 from inmanger only, removing base LAX and not installing the marketplace version.  After further testing I have found out that it is an elevation issue with some paid airports/ 3rd party freeware airports not Multiplayer planes per say.  I was able to resolve it in Dev mode, by disabling terraforming but it resets outside Dev mode.  Unfortunately, I have had to remove LAX from my community folder and everything lines up with players planes, gates, taxiways, runways. 

    I believe that it will be an issue until Asobo updates the elevation issues which from what I read, it is something that must be done airport by airport by the community (WTF lol).  I believe this issue affects the current JFK airport too but I would like to know if you have any reports of this issue for JFK or just LAX or is it all ie water/veg/elevation issues Dev side? (which I assume is more likely than anything) Any information is greatly appreciated.

    Thank you,


  2. Greetings,

    I am trying to figure out the correct way to install and update the LAX airport.  I have the MS Store Deluxe version of MSFS, the ASOBO base airport, the Marketplace version of inbuilds LAX 1.0, and the transferred license inmanger version 1.1.2 on inmanger 2.1.6 beta.9    I currently don't have anything installed other than the base game files and my community folder is empty.  I have the base installation of C:\XboxGames and the packages installed in D:/MSFS 2020/community folder and Official folder.

    I understand that I do not install the ASOBO base airport, but do I need to install the marketplace version and then add the updated version to community folder, or do I just install the updated version from inmanger into the community folder or do I need to put it into the C drive base installed location?


    I have tried different ways and I keep getting an elevation issue only at LAX.  Multiplayer planes end up being 6 six above the runways and gates.  I have read this may be because of Multiplayer being on (which I will try, I thought it was a scenery issue but maybe Multiplayer online setting, everyone needs this add on I guess lol 😉 ) but I want to make sure I have the correct LAX version installed to back track the issue.  I have enhanced Airport graphics by Zinertek Ver 4.0 uninstalled atm, to see if that effects the LAX airport runways(I have read that it shouldn’t) Thank you in advanced.



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