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Everything posted by darthandy1138

  1. Yep - Working good. Thanks for following through!
  2. Hello there - I did end up buying it on the website and when I went back to the Manager, I had to log out and back in again to see the new scenery. It's like some setting is cached somewhere that isn't quite right. Manager Version When I check for new versions it says "No updates available"
  3. Hello - I wanted to revisit this topic because it is happening to me as the OP described. I click the order button and it tells me that Email and Password don't match. Subsequent clicks of "Checkout" produce no action and no message. I have had this happen in the past and logged out of the app and back in. Which forces you to reconfigure like it's the first time you've used it. When I do that, it lets me log in, shows me my product and lets me update them. But when trying to order EGSS Stansted it will not let me. "Email and Password do not match" I'd like to figure out what's going on
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