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Posts posted by rob0085

  1. @gumbyger Thanks, I already have the GSX Pro. The PHNL GSX Profile v1.3 sounded like it was a different scenery addon for the airport.  I've seen some where when boarding and un-boarding the people actually walk into the terminal which is pretty cool.

    As far as the scenery, I did have a free one for PHNL from flightsim.to and the first thing I did was delete that folder from the community folder.  What is interesting is I removed all the folders except the inibuilds PHNL and they were still there.  I put all the folders back in the community and uninstalled PHNL to the default Microsoft airport and although the airport was terrible the trash cans and bus stop were gone.  After reinstalling, the phantom cans and bus stops were back.  This is very strange.  I have several inibuilds airport addons and love the details.  This is the first and only one I've had and issue with.

  2. How do you get this?  I only see the KOKC by MSFSScenerybuilders in the iniManager.  I purchased a KOKC in the app thinking it was this one and it was the MCFSSenerybuilders version of it.  This was very disappointing compared to what you are showing from iniBuilds in your video. I have actually uninstalled it because the quality of it wasn't worth the cost. Thanks.

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