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Everything posted by jjstevens1029

  1. Is anyone else experiencing HUGE FPS loss at this new airport EGFF from SoFly? Yes the World Update 17 EGFF is uninstalled.
  2. Nico ive done all that and the KMIA just will not stay recognized as installed but its installed. It says installed but then when I close the inimanager it says its not lol
  3. dont work on the A300
  4. I have this one as well it works [throttle] reverse_on_axis = true [throttle_1] reverse_1 = -0.987500 reverse_idle_1 = -0.591687 idle_1 = -0.517896 toga_1 = 1.000000 [throttle_2] reverse_1 = -0.987500 reverse_idle_1 = -0.586438 idle_1 = -0.527051 toga_1 = 1.000000 ThrottleData.ini
  5. I have this one as well it works [throttle] reverse_on_axis = true [throttle_1] reverse_1 = -0.987500 reverse_idle_1 = -0.591687 idle_1 = -0.517896 toga_1 = 1.000000 [throttle_2] reverse_1 = -0.987500 reverse_idle_1 = -0.586438 idle_1 = -0.527051 toga_1 = 1.000000
  6. having the same issue here
  7. I saw that awesome ty!
  8. oh ok well i bought it from the launcher so i just figured i could keep it all in one place and update, thanks
  9. theres a beta patch here too https://fsrealistic.wixsite.com/website/forum/general/v2-1-2-beta-patch-for-reverse-thrust-landing-applause
  10. FSRealistic Pro v2.1.1.zi
  11. http://www.fsrealistic.com/fsr_pro_release.html
  12. hey hey! its right there on the page can yall not grab it and update it?
  13. We gonna get this updated?
  14. The IniManager is not reflecting the proper Version 2.1.1 is still only 2.1.0 thanks! https://www.fsrealistic.com/#updates
  15. Would it be possible to do KGAD? Regional airport
  16. awesome just wanted yall to be aware 🙂
  17. Turn Multiplayer off and bingo it goes away
  18. Floating Aircraft floating in taking off and landing not on the ground , when I uninstall the mod it is normal. AI and Players
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