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  1. I had this issue just now for the first time in v1.0.2. Did not have that problem in earlier version although I know some people experienced them. I did the update as instructed, cleared WASM and I am running MSFS 2024 Official SU1.
  2. I had that issue on my very first flight on LOWW29.
  3. I experienced this the other day, traffic on vatsim with coming in fast behind me and descending towards me. The intruder turned amber on the ND but there was no "Traffic Traffic" callout nor any RA callouts.
  4. After refuelling complete 🙂
  5. Thanks for the addition of simbrief fuel option with GSX, I tried it and it works fine. However, it would be nice to have the MEMO messages "REFUEL IN PROGRESS" (Green) "DEFUEL IN PROGRESS" (Green)
  6. The value is supposed to appear in multiples of 50 KG according to FCOM.
  7. Try updating to SU1 Beta and try again.
  8. More airplanes! ALL A350s btw
  9. Which versions are you running? 2020 or 2024? Do you have SU1 Beta if 2024?
  10. Hello Team, Great start with the A350, doing my first flight as I write this topic. Flying on Vatsim OTHH-LOWW at FL400. I noticed there is some traffic behind me at 1400 feet below me. I contacted him on vpilot and he advised that he seems the same thing with respect to my aircraft. We confirmed both have Live Weather and both are Baro Ref's are Std. Also, VATSIM RADAR shows us both correctly at FL400. See photo: Regards,
  11. The photo shows all your batteries off. have you tried turning them on 😄
  12. it does for me.
  13. Exactly, red button should not re-engage autopilot. That's incorrect mapping. For Fenix i had to use FSUIPC.
  14. Make sure the autopilot disconnect button on your stick is mapped correctly to the Red button on the side stick, and not on the AP switch on the FCU. I have FSUIPC and mapped it correctly and I do not have that issue. I have the same Airbus TCA Joystick.
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