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  1. It’s weird. I tried loading every other livery one at a time and none of them spawned the pilots. So I said OK, I’ll just avoid the Lufthansa livery and that should solve it. Then randomly I had them reappear again in all A310s even without ever using the Lufthansa. But then deleting the livery pack fixed it again. So it’s definitely connected to those liveries somehow.
  2. Noticed a strange issue with Xbox version of A310 with a marketplace livery. I saw a thread about a known issue where pilots in exterior view aren’t visible on some liveries - this isn’t the same issue. Recently I got a texture pack on marketplace (Dreamscenery). It has a bunch of liveries, and probably the best looking ones on Xbox so far. But if I install it and launch one specific livery (Lufthansa 80s) the plane will spawn with the pilot and copilot in the seats IN INTERIOR VIEW. Then, once you’ve done that once, it happens on all A310s in any livery all the time. Pilots will always spawn in the seats and be there for the interior view. I don’t like them on interior view since they don’t look good up close. The only way to fix it seems to be to uninstall that livery pack and restart the game. I can reinstall the pack again and things are fine. But as soon as I try to use that Lufthansa livery then they come back on interior view for all 310s. This is a weird thing to me and I’m not sure if it would be an issue with the plane or the livery maker so I sent them an email too.
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