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Everything posted by John

  1. I confirm I am having the same issue and I do not use VPN.
  2. Hey guys, A7-BEG has a weird issue in P3D v4 that shows it discolored. I took the issue into my own hands and attempted a fix. This is the original: After fix: Attached is the file that you just drop into the BEG texture folder. I take no credit whatsoever for this. PMDG_777_MP_02.dds Cheers and happy new year!
    Is this normal? P3Dv4
  3. iniB_EDDF_DL.zip
  4. I'm using P3Dv4 with envshade, I was lucky to find a friend that still had the old preset, heres some comparison shots: The newer one is still harder on performance for some reason.
  5. You can see here why I loved it so much, perfectly lit, incredible performance.. Why didn't I save the file ahh..
  6. I got it to load, it's bit brighter but it has the same performance impact, that and the lights go off and on when i pan (because of the max spots). Please find a copy of V1, or make a V1 clone, I'll gladly drop some cash for the extra work.
  7. It doesn't work at all. eddf/Scenery folder right?
  8. Not bright enough and requires changes to settings, which come with a performance impact. I'm hitting myself for not having it backed up.. The noHDR preset was very bright and made the airport look alive at night, ran well too..
  9. V2 demands settings changes and doesn't look as bright as the old one, which i wasn't inspired to backup.. Would really appreciate if somebody could hook me up with the old DL preset. Cheers
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