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  1. You can't really logon to a CPDLC station unless the other station is active and accepting your logon request. If you just want to verify that your Hoppie ID is setup properly you can check the messages archive on the Hoppie website.
  2. Thanks for the response but please note that we were talking about the A300-600 and not the A320neo 😉 Anyway, if the EFB takes into account field elevations up to 6000ft that's fine but I would assume that field elevations above 6000ft were cut-off to 6000ft rather than to sea-level.
  3. What is your armed climb mode? If PROFILE mode has been initially armed, it will engage at THR RED but should not accelerate until ACCEL.
  4. P.S.: the TOW was 145t
  5. I can confirm this observation. I performed EFB takeoff calculations for SPJC (elevation 113ft) and SKBO (elevation 8358ft) with a manual configuration of TORA 3000m, Wind 0/0, OAT 20C, ALT 1013 hPa. The plane has been spawned at the airport and the airport configured in the FMC as departure airport. In both cases, the calculated takeoff parameters are identical: FLEX 53, V 151/151/156 and MTOW 167.6. The airport elevation does not seem to make any difference.
  6. At 1:03:16 when you point out the excessive yoke movements it did look ok-ish to me. I'm in fact quite more stunned about how the autopilot tries to maintain the heading of 082 and then going into the left turn (after 1:05:30). It seems to me as if the autopilot fights against some extreme adverse input from either manual yoke movements (wouldn't the autopilot disconnect?) or turbulences (what are your turbulences settings?). On the final approach when you are hand-flying the aircraft the yoke movements are indeed extreme but seem to relate to the control inputs. Looks like the yoke calibration is a bit too aggressive - maybe recalibrate or reduce sensitivity.
  7. The FMS Progress Page (PROG) lines 6L and 6R display the VOR/DMEs tuned by FMC1 and FMC2 in the format XXX-XXX, where XXX is the identifier of the station (e.g. LAM). However, the format should distinguish between VOR/DME (format "XXX-XXX"), VOR only (format "XXX "), and DME only (format " -XXX"). Switching from Nav Mode to ILS Mode on FMC1 or FMC2 resets a manually tuned station on FMS Progress Page line 6L or 6R, respectively, to an autotuned station. Is this intended behaviour? I didn't find anything in the FCOM supporting this.
  8. Having completed a number of flights from and to airports with high(er) field elevation (e.g. SKBO, SEQM, KABQ, MMMX) it appears to me as if the cabin pressure control system does not take into account the landing field elevation (as set by the landing elevation selector) when regulating the cabin pressure. The A300/A310 FCOM states that "The cabin altitude is regulated towards the theoretical cabin pressure altitude determined by the controller, or to the landing field elevation, whichever is the higher." Flying into KABQ, for example, the cabin altitude descends to less than 4000ft on approach while the field elevation is 5350. According to the statement in the FCOM the cabin altitude should not descend below the field elevation. Although the controller at some time slowly climbs the cabin towards field elevation it never catches up and at the time of touchdown there is a residual 1000ft altitude difference (in case of KABQ) - the pressure difference even increases with higher landing field elevation. This leads to an unpleasant depressurisation for the virtual crew and pax when the controller completely opens both outflow valves after touchdown (FCOM: 45 sec after touchdown). Any thoughts on this minor issue?
  9. What was done wrong here? Pressing the right line select key next to a waypoint in order to show the VERT REV A page is per manual. Your described way of doing it is another way of changing speed/alt restrictions directly via a value in the scratchpad.
  10. Sorry, wrong wording, I flew the go-around in NAV mode.
  11. The MCDU limits block fuel entry to 65.5 tons but in the EFB there seems to be no limit on the fuel load. E.g. I loaded 90 tons of fuel into the aircraft exceeding the center/trim tank capacity by quite a bit. The aircraft weight is calculated correctly therefore the tail hits the ground because of the excessive weight in the rear.
  12. ILS 01L approach into KLAS. Go-around while still in NAV mode and AP enable. A/C didn't follow the missed approach procedure but stayed on heading. I then entered direct BLD (Boulder VOR for the published missed apporach hold). A/C entered into an orbit. Switching to HDG/S and then back to NAV solved the issue.
  13. This post https://forum.inibuilds.com/topic/20898-step-pred-page-missing/ shows the VERT REV A page and the relevant section of the Sperry FMS Manual.
  14. Pressing the right line select key next to a waypoint shows the VERT REV A page (if the scratchpad is empty).
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