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  1. Hi! While I must say that the VC for the most part looks really good there are some parts that bring it down a bit. This magnificent bird and addon deserves the best so I am hoping these areas can be polished up a bit. Areas around the overhead panel and windows suffer from bad topology which causes weird shading artifacts and sharp corners that look unnatural. Thank you in advance for your consideration! 🙏
  2. Very exciting news! I have still not bought any sceneries from you guys yet but after the A310 I am now considering most of them. LAX looks amazing and it's very nice to see that EGLL is also getting the same treatment when it comes to ground textures. The ones used for LAX are some of the best I have seen in the sim so this makes EGLL a must buy as well. I will be getting LAX, EGLL and KDTW very soon (the latter when it arrives). PS, fingers crossed for more European airports next *cough* EDDF *cough*
  3. Hi there! First of all, beautiful aircraft. What an achievement! Congratulations! Something I noticed rather quickly in the cockpit is that there is no glass material over gages and instruments. It takes away a bit from the overall feeling of the cockpit. Is there a reason this hasn't been implemented? I find it a bit odd seeing how incredible some of the other details are. Especially the subtle imperfections in the back lightning, etc. Here's a comparison with JustFlights bae146 for comparison so you can see what I mean. It is subtle but those small reflections really make a big difference. And here is the A310 cockpit in comparison Thank you for your consideration and keep up the good work!
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