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  1. Sorry yall, fixed the bug
  2. So i have been having this problem where whenever i want to actually use this a310, and i spawn in anywhere(mainly the runway), and i release the parking brake and add even the tiniest amount of throttle, the plane forces itself to turn about 140* to the left. i cannot counteract this movement, and even if i apply toga, the plane does not speed up. it just stays at about a measly 5 knots. I am NOT adding any rudder, yet this happens, and i even tried to do a cold and dark startup, but to no avail. 140* turns all the time, it is inevitable. Please see the video attached and it to see EXACTLY what is happening. (the plane also stops if i add parking brake, but it refuses to turn back) If you do not believe me, about the rudder thing, look at the pedals. are they moving? NO.
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