I initially installed LAX back in Oct 2022. There was such a drop in FPS with the FENIX A320 as well as the FBW A320 that I had to uninstall the scenery.
After all this time, I figured, maybe, the bugs have been taken out, and I would try again. So, today, I installed the latest version of KLAX using the iniManager. I tried running the FENIX A320. There is still a significant FPS reduction.
Anyone have a solution to this problem? Any help is much appreciated.
RTX 2080 Super, i9 10900K, Windows 11 64-bit
32GB Dual Channel HyperX™ FURY DDR4 XMP at 3200MHz;
Thrustmaster Airbus Joystick (T.A320 Copilot)
CH Prod Throttle Quad
Saitek Cessna rudder pedals
Saitek Cessna Trim Wheel