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Everything posted by Barto

  1. Have also the same issue. On some point pitch one Came of and disable the autopilot. Had that issue also with the old version reinstall 110 and also now the new version 111.
  2. @boomerang10 Thanks for the answer. @iniBuilds maybe you wanna at the way to get liverys into your FAQ.
  3. Hello Guys, first thanks you and congratulation for this great aircraft for MSFS. Any Chance where or what I have to do to get some livery for these great Airplane ? best regards and thanks again.
  4. I did that before make now a short hope from KSAN up to KLAX to see if it was just a one time event. When I load straid into KLAX everything works great.
  5. Hello Guy´s had a really strange issue today installed KLAX did a test flight everything looks great so far. So I have done a 5 hours flight from KMIA. Just to find the airport like this. The hole Airport did load in.... Never ever had these issues before with any other airport at all.... Any Idea what could cause these Issues. best regards
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