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dresoccer4 last won the day on December 21 2020

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  1. Am I missing something in the W&B? WHere are the passewngers and cargo?
  2. correct. it was a balmy 18c in the cockpit (my favorite temp). How can the cabin temps be lower than the outside temps?
  3. Yes, but which ones? Are they the pax ones? In addition, “almost all the way to the left” is supposed to be like 17 or 18 degrees which is super pleasant
  4. I'm cruising along at FL370 and everything is fine. Right after the TOD I look at the cabin and passenger temps and notice they're -56 degrees... What could have caused this to happen suddenly? Cabin pressure is fine. Packs are fine. Everything seems fine. Any ideas?
  5. gotcha, thanks
  6. I saved a .fpl flight plan from LittleNavMap in the C:\Users\[user]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Packages\inibuilds-aircraft-a300-600\work folder (attached) however when I type in the departure/destination airport codes in the FMS the route does not appear. what is the issue here? thanks LEMHLICJ.fpl
  7. oh gotcha. bummer it doesn't come with ground units like strair. i think the cargo version does? maybe in a future update
  8. still not following. this is an over 8000' runway, I'm only 3/4 full of passengers, and it's a relatively cool and pleasant day outside. what's unsafe about this?
  9. what the subject says. from these entries at LEMH. any idea?
  10. two quick questions: 1) how can you have multiple passenger stairs for entry? (front and back) 2) can you have the jetway connect to the second door instead of the first so passengers don't walk through the first class cabin? thanks!
  11. I'm not 100% what both the issue and the fix seemed to be. I did try to change the alignment time mid-alignment but as you mentioned it didn't react to that. I think a combination of flipping IRS switches multiple times, not pressing the align button on the fms in a timely manner, and changing the align time on the efb. One or more of these ended up fixing it after some time. I'm sure it was user error. I'll try a fresh flight again soon and see if I can get it to work normally.
  12. yes
  13. UPDATE: it finally worked. I even had irs align on instant, however it took several minutes. good to know
  14. i noticed that as well and clicked that, however nothing happened. still no gps signal and pitch trims won't stay flipped
  15. UPDATE: i just put the 4 letter code as departure/destination into the FMS and it loaded successfully
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