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DFWSupertrooper last won the day on April 20 2023

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  1. SFO is about to be solved by FlightBeam, but you are 100% correct about DFW and ATL.
  2. OK, this is interesting. It must be the GSX profile I was using. First version was great. The second version added this anomaly. Removing it and restarting the airport fixes it for me. So, who would have thunk it? GSX profiles can screw up terrain?? Anyway, not on your side to fix. <<EDIT: After re-installing the same GSX profile, and going back in, it's fine!>>
  3. Everything north of the line is blurry ground texture, south is crisp as in original version.
  4. I've gone back in, and verified the issue remains after a restart. The 13R start point is also very blurry on the ground. the fault line appears to run northeast side to the west southwest across the airport. At the far northeast side of the airport it's a good 20' drop where traffic passes along Lemmon Ave. On 13L it's about a 3' height differential. Less as it goes to the southwest.
  5. I'll see this request, and raise it! Would buy it instantly.😁
  6. I don't know if this is some temporary glitch or if this has occurred since last update, but in the v1.0 I didn't have this. Today, departing 13L I hit a major bump taxiing towards the north end of the airport - bounced my A/C. The ground texture became blurry and appeared to be lower than the rest of the airport sloping down towards the north. Once I got aimed southward on the RWY and moved forward back over the bump, it was normal again (anomaly still present - it just ends there). Has anyone else seen this too or was it maybe just a temporary visual glitch on my end?
  7. I'm not having this issue. I wish I could help you, bud. I am running a little heftier machine, so maybe that helps?? I have AMD Ryzen 9/12 Core 3.8 GHz, NVidia RTX 3090. You might consider a graphics upgrade if you can. I started MSFS with a 2060 Super and it worked great with some settings reduced a bit from Ultra, but now no issues on Ultra. Which reminds me, try playing with your graphics settings (LODs, etc). Are you using any other Dallas-area scenery or freeware airports in the area that may conflict? How does KDAL compare with other high-end airports you may have without issues? Rhetorical of course, just trying to offer some things to prompt you exploring.
  8. I'd be interested in this as well, having KEWR myself. My assumption is that it won't be a problem because both developers do a great job setting up LODs and such to avoid cross-pollination (for lack of a better term).
  9. No, they're not bad. I've enjoyed them. However, they were released long ago when fewer tools were available to developers to make great airports and LVFR has said they're out of the airport business, choosing to focus on aircraft instead. With that, I'd love to see these airports taken to the next level by someone. The average airport has simply evolved into a much more immersive experience thanks to devs like iniBuilds, FlightBeam getting into rhythm, Joe Erland at Aerosoft, and others who just do stunning work. While the good ones keep getting better over time and updating prior work, LVFR just decided to go a different direction. I wish not, but hey, it's their business! 🙂
  10. Another very high quality/good reputation developer is in fact doing KSFO as we speak and it looks to be incredible; however, the other three you mention (KDFW, KATL, KMCO)...I completely agree! I would instantly buy an iniBuilds version of those three as well as remakes of some other earlier renditions by third party developers who kinda gave up on scenery, leaving their prior work stale as the sim has evolved beyond their original quality. These other airports would be KMSY, KMIA, KSAN, KBWI as my first choices. I'd buy all of them again from iniBuilds. Would also like to see remakes of EDDF, LEMD, LEBL too - same desire to purchase better quality.
  11. I have to say, this lighting after 1.09 is simply stunning. Combined with the texturing updates, this airport looks amazing. It already was one of my best - now you've topped yourself. iniBuilds airports are unquestionably some of the best in the simulator. Can't wait to see you guys at FSExpo in Houston!
  12. I've not had this issue. Been out of KDAL twice today 13L over downtown and in same from north.
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