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  1. I'm a newbie to XP and flying - so this may be my mistake - but would it be possible, when selecting 'start on runway - engines running' or '2 mile / 10 mile approach from runway' that the engine doesn't immediately die?
  2. Version 1.0rc2 I'm having a problem synchronising the altimeter with air pressure and altitude. Example - sitting at Yeovilton (altitude 75 feet), if I adjust to the air pressure - 1014 - it shows a negative altitude. See atached image. My (basic) understanding is I should be able to sit on the runway and dial in the altitude and the correct air pressure should be set, or set the air pressure and it should show the right altitude. The Bulldog was only downloaded a few weeks ago so I assume I have the latest software. I'm a newbie to XP so it may be me but I'd appreciate some help! best regards Neil
  3. Thanks, and apologies for the late reply!
  4. Hi I'm brand new to Xplane after using the demo for a couple of months, now purchased the full XP11. I've been able to fly the standard C172 quite happily, take offs, start on 10 mile finals etc. I've installed the Bulldog but as a newbie am striggling with some basics. 1. If I load it with engine running it cuts out immediately - I've no idea why this is happening or how to re-start her. 2. If I load on a 10 mile final approach, again the engine cuts out immediately, turns into a glider. 3. Is there an idiots guide to starting her up - for example, I can press switches (following the checklist) but when I try to press the 'start' button (with its cover on) nothing happens 4. I also got this warning (see jpeg below) - not sure if this has anything to do with it ... (I was able to enter the serial # so it is now registered) I'd appreciate some guidance please! Neil
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