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  1. I have noticed in some of the flights I have been trying wth this great A350, the -900 variant only so far, that the pitch angle for a given, sometimes "huge" climb rate is practically "flat". Looking from an outside view sometimes one has difficulty noticing the aircraft is actually climbing, and even less, climbing sometimes at 3k+fpm !!! Yesterday I tried a trainning / repositioning flight, with only 18 on bord, no cargo, and 15k tons of fuel. The aircraft did it's initial climb at a "rocket" climb rate, yet the PFD showed less than 2,5ΒΊ pitch. I think this is probably not realistic (?) Will try to do some tests and post here any additional data / numbers. Thank you.
  2. It's a WINNER ! I confess I purchased it pretty in doubt regarding the stability and performance issues I had seen reported by some users, and was lucky to start using it with v 1.0.4, but truth is this is probably, at the moment, my preferred MSFS 2024 addon ex-aequo with the FENIX !!! What a delight to use, and smotth as silk even in my mid/low desktop. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
  3. Wow! Now I'me learning something!!! Do you mean that even IRL when the crew switches the beacon lights on, that also signals the marshallers that the GPU / ACU can be disconnected ? If that's the case then this is actually a "realism" feature πŸ™‚
  4. I know there's an option that is probably related to that but it was rather irritating to be presented with a severe DC shortage the moment I turned on the Strobe Lights to signal ground operations I was going to switch on the APU πŸ˜• after a long and fastidious flight preparation 😞 Maybe you could find some other way to detach the GPU, like for instance when the wheel chokes are removed?
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