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  1. I purchased KMYR Myrtle Beach xp11 from you, and it has since came out with xp12 update...is IniBuilds going to get the xp12 update as well? Thx
  2. VerticalSim just updated KSMY New Orleans to xp12, I purchased KSMY from Inibuilds, so is there a way to get the updated version? Thx
  3. Directory is straight to my ssd...F: x-plane At work currently, but LPPT is the one I remember off top of my head, though there are other sceneries...but not all. Noticed this issue awhile back and reloaded those affected. Later noticed it happened again. I checked X-Plane scenery folder and noticed they were indeed there, even though Inibuilds said they were not installed. Wierd.
  4. Weird issue here. I have numerous sceneries installed from Inibuilds, but sometimes when I go to My products, some of them show "not installed" even though I have downloaded them in the past. When I go look at my scenery folder in XP12, they are indeed there. So, my scenery is there, just don't understand why "My Products" sometimes shows Not Installed? Thx
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