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Everything posted by toreil

  1. Got an anmin answer, its not possible, this is wrong,, load fuel just to the trip, and cargi/gw hight You load cargo , and get ecam combine message
  2. Hi, On the ecam it says tanker only How can this be set to cargo, or a combination, Cant find it in setup or the mcdu..
  3. Read somwhere { Facebook} that the MRTT is ready for download..... Is it fake New??? ,,, Cant find it
  4. Will do a fresh xp /310 install today and test, think its a xp problem
  5. sasl log pc is win 10 gaming pc 2080 gpu works on everything else LOG... [AIRPORTVS INFO]: Path to module: C:\Users/toree/Desktop/X_PLANE/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/AirportVS-SASL/data/modules/main.key [AIRPORTVS INFO]: Loading module... [AIRPORTVS INFO]: [LUA]: loading module [AIRPORTVS INFO]: [LUA]: including draw.lib.lua [AIRPORTVS INFO]: [LUA]: including buildClickZone.lib.lua [AIRPORTVS INFO]: [LUA]: including menuInit.lua [AIRPORTVS INFO]: [LUA]: including commonHelpers.lua [AIRPORTVS INFO]: [LUA]: loading interactive [AIRPORTVS INFO]: [LUA]: loading baseDraw [AIRPORTVS INFO]: [LUA]: loading mapInteractive [AIRPORTVS INFO]: [LUA]: loading zoomInButton [AIRPORTVS INFO]: [LUA]: loading zoomOutButton [AIRPORTVS INFO]: [LUA]: loading pageAirports [AIRPORTVS INFO]: [LUA]: loading pageTaxiRoute [AIRPORTVS INFO]: [LUA]: loading pageCharts [AIRPORTVS INFO]: [LUA]: including dataLoad.lua [AIRPORTVS INFO]: [LUA]: loading chartInteractive [AIRPORTVS INFO]: [LUA]: loading searchField [AIRPORTVS INFO]: [LUA]: loading directoryTreeC [AIRPORTVS INFO]: [LUA]: including directoryTree.lua [AIRPORTVS INFO]: [LUA]: loading rescanButton [AIRPORTVS INFO]: [LUA]: loading chartsList [AIRPORTVS INFO]: [LUA]: loading pageOptions [AIRPORTVS INFO]: [LUA]: loading updateNotification [AIRPORTVS INFO]: [LUA]: loading closeSpot [AIRPORTVS INFO]: [LUA]: loading resizeSpot [AIRPORTVS INFO]: [LUA]: loading minimizeSpot [AIRPORTVS INFO]: [LUA]: loading maximizeSpot [AIRPORTVS INFO]: [LUA]: loading centeringSpot [AIRPORTVS INFO]: [LUA]: loading overlayButton [AIRPORTVS INFO]: [LUA]: loading misc [AIRPORTVS INFO]: [LUA]: "module" AVS Version: 1.0.2 [AIRPORTVS INFO]: Loading cursors... [AIRPORTVS INFO]: Module loaded [AIRPORTVS INFO]: [LUA]: "module" Reading options from file C:\Users/toree/Desktop/X_PLANE/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/AirportVS-SASL/data/modules/Custom Module/configs/optionsAVS.cnf [AIRPORTVS INFO]: [LUA]: "module" Reading state from file C:\Users/toree/Desktop/X_PLANE/X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/AirportVS-SASL/data/modules/Custom Module/configs/stateAVS.cnf [AIRPORTVS INFO]: Disabling... [AIRPORTVS INFO]: SASL plugin stopped...
  6. Btw, mcdu is saying loading situation
  7. I can , but its verry easy, Plane was ready to start engines, i saved state, Went for dinner,, started xp, Went in to states selected the state i saved, pressed load state, Nothing happend, Thats all
  8. Thise question was deleted, dont know why, but my loading of saved states dont work, nothing happens when loading Is it some trix to these???
  9. Ok, thank you
  10. Hi can someone tell me where is the load manager located ?? cant find it on the EFB,, only LOADSHEET, not seen it on Youtube 310 vids either..
  11. where on the McDu can you see what version you have ??
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