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Everything posted by Fly2021

  1. Hey gumbyger, I appreciate the feedback. I love the airport (like all the other IniBuilds airports), and want to continue to enjoy it; thanks! 😃
  2. I need to clarify that, so far, this happens with the FMC of the iniBuild’s A310, but not, for example, with the FMC of the Maddog. If this is a Navigraph issue, should this not happen with other aircraft’s’ FMC also? This also happens with the GTN750 by PMS50 (every aircraft) and Navigraph told me it was an issue with the iniBuild’s scenery, not with Navigraph. Hope this helps provide a better picture of my experience with this KSAT custom airport…. Thanks much.
  3. I have the same issue with the KSAT iniBuilds custom airport and when I reached out to Navigraph I was told the issue is with iniBuilds. This does not happen with another iniBuilds custom airport that I also have installed, Detroit. Why KSAT and not Detroit? What happened with the KSAT scenery? How is this going to be fixed, when both iniBuilds and Navigraph tell us to go talk to the other company?? Is there any communication between the two companies and was this even tested before it was released to its customers?
  4. I posted a question yesterday, which I am no longer finding in the forum. Is these aircraft's software tested on 34" monitors? Is it optimized for ultra-wide gaming monitors? I am getting a sort of 'stretched' image inside the cockpit, particularly when I zoom out, or look at the EFB at certain angles. Or is this just how the image works, regardless of the monitor's size and resolution?
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