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  1. Thank you for confirming, this seems like a weird omission from inibuilds then. I use mainly VR, and this would make the avionics interactions much more user friendly.
  2. Departing FACT today with at MTOW of 268t. Engine failure at around 1000AGL, MCT set, at acceleration heigh levelled off. There is no acceleration whatsever and I stayed around 160kts, well below flap retraction speed. Is this accurate?
  3. Is the KCCU Scroll Wheel function (and arrow key functionality) fully modelled? I don't have access to an FCOM, but I would have thought that the scroll wheel will move through ANY selections (input boxes) on any given MCDU page. For example, with C/L Menu open, the scroll wheel function will move through each item? At the moment, it seems that the scroll wheel only works in option lists(i.e. drop down STAR and SID selection) Is my understanding correct? or is this not how the KCCU scroll wheel function works in the real thing?
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