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Malte Dietsch

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Everything posted by Malte Dietsch

  1. Hello, I love taxiing with keyboard (Num0, ENTER, Num5 for centering). It works on every airliner under MSFS, but not in the Ini A310. When I press Num5, nothing happens. the nosewheel is not centered. Any solution for this? Thanks
  2. will LSHIFT on my next MSFS flight
  3. Hi, at least in a real A320 or 737, dialing in a new heading, speed or altitude is extremes fast when rotating the knob. I am sure, in the real A310 also. But in the MSFS A310, it takes quite a while to dial in a new altitude, for example. Can you drastically speed up the effect of the knobs (alt/speed/hdg)? Is that possible? Thanks
  4. Hello, the soundpack for the MSFS A310 is good, but does no reach the same quality as under XP 11. Therefore, my suggestions are: 1. Idle sound in cockpit sounds strange, not the clean "vacuum cleaner" sound we know from the XP 11 version 2. TOGA sound sounds stange, not the powerful and clear sound we know from the XP 11 version 3. Transition sound missing (when spooling engines from idle to 50%). This was present in XP 11, but for some reason not in MSFS. I think the WWise engine might support this using the correct settings. That's it, keep up the good work! Malte
  5. Hi, when loading an AUTOSAVE, the state of the cockpit lights (panel/overhead/background lights) is not restored. At night, each time I have to search the DOME switch in the dark and then turn on the other lights. Can this be fixed please? I though the AUTOSAVE stores the complete state precisely. Thx
  6. Hi, sometimes when I click in the iPad on AUTOSAVE, not the AUTOSAVE menu appears, but a Cold & Dark default state is loaded and the Panel State page is displayed. This is very annoying because I lose my aircraft's state before even being able to save the state/position. I have the suspicion that it has to do with the mouse position when clicking on AUTOSAVE. Of course, the mouse is over the button, but there still seem to be differences within the button area. But I don't know what is wrong there. Can this be fixed, please or is there a fix already? Thx
  7. Oh yes that sound like the same issue. Unfortunately, no solution? So I will use my "workaround"...
  8. Hi, I have noticed on several occoasions the following behaviour: - After Takeoff, I engange A/THR, P. CLB and NAV and AP1 - Sometimes, the A310 continues accelerating past the calculated speed (250 IAS for example) and speeds of the 390 (!) knots - It doesn't seem to stick to the calculated or manually set speed at all - Workaround: I have to switch AP off and on again, turn off the the desired modes and turn them back on again So I'm asking myself, what is going wrong here? Thx Malte
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