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Everything posted by Jean-Claude

  1. It’s the same screw as for the takeoff. Clear now for me. Thank you for your help.
  2. Thank you for your quick reply, ewandougie. ".....trigger TOGA"? Is that the switch on the main panel labeled "TOGA"? Regards
  3. Hi I take the liberty of posting my request here as well, as I have not yet received a response under A310/Support/Other. Maybe this was the wrong place: I've searched and searched and searched the web but couldn't find an answer to my question. What is the step-by-step procedure on the A310 if I want to trigger a GoAround? Knowing this forum I'm sure someone can help me. I look forward to a feedback and thank you in advance. Regards
  4. In my opinion davrob makes the best x-camera presets. His sets for ToLiss are also all great (for example). Thank you davrob for sharing your works.
  5. @Ubaid Thank you very much for the very quick feedback. Once more: know how. The iniBuilds planes are very complex and the handling is a bit special for (presumably) many X-Plane users. I've been watching videos for hours and still come across a puzzle over and over again. I am sure that you would be spared a lot of forum work if a tutorial flight was made available to users as a PDF. Regards
  6. Hello everyone The iniBuils planes are fantastic planes in my opinion. So I suspect that the fault is mine, that I have a problem with the Profile mode. Am I correct in assuming that FL and SPD are managed by the system with Profile mode (as with Boeing VNAV)? If so, the adjustment of the FL does not work for me in profile mode. To start the descent, I activate LVL/CH. After this step I reactivate the profile mode. In this mode, however, the rate of descent is much too low to reach the FL of the next waypoints according to the FMC. So I have to keep a "nosedive" for the longest time after triggering LVL/CH, in order to then with luck (or V/S control) reach the calculated FL at next waypoints, so that I can then reactivate the Profile mode. Can anyone help me with this? I would be happy about it. And sorry if my post was a little long. Regards
  7. Hello everyone Based on the simplified iniSimulations checklist, I have created a clist for the A310-300 and A300-600, because in my opinion it is useful if you can call them up directly in the Cpt view (instead of calling them via EFB). This clist can also be easily customized as required. As is well known, you need the plugin Xchecklist for the clist, which is available here: https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/20785-xchecklist-linwinmac3264/ (or via Google search with the keywords "clist x-Plane") I have already benefited so much from X-Plane forums and support that I would like to make this clist (see attachments) available to everyone. Regards clist.txt clist.txt
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