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  1. True, as far as I know. Makes sense about ATC requesting and approving VNAV. However, X-Planes ATC sometimes just doesn't work..😒 I had many issues with the A310 climbing and pitching up way to much. Using the correct loadsheet and aircraft data from the Inibuild manual to calculate the T.O in FLEX mode and accordingly the correct inputs for the FMC. Plane is correctly trimmed (sometimes values of 1.6 nose down are suggested?) but even then already on the runway wants to pitch up, making it very difficult to follow the center line). And in cruise flight, the speed is controlled by the FMC but any ALT change is manual (which means I have to practice a lot what V/S to set in order to reach the target ALT at the right moment) But guessing I just have to practice a lot with the A310..
  2. Yes, if my flightplan has differeng altitudes in a leg, I was hoping the aircraft's autopilot system would follow that with climbs or descends. However in my flight the plane will remain on the same altitude as iniitialy set with the ALT knob, eventhough the PROFILE button is activated.
  3. Using a Simbrief flightplan and a fully configured loadsheet and FMS, I can't get the plane to use VNAV, that is automaticaly following the different altitudes in the plan. I have to set the altitude via the knob and initiate that via the LVL/CH button on the FCU. My knowledge is still to short to know if this is a normal procedure or that I am missing somewhere? I know there is no VNAV for CLIMB mode but is it suppose to work during CRUISE flight? AP, AT/THR, PROFILE and NAV modes are activated. Using latest version of the A310 with only the recommended pushback and radar plugin installed. Thanks for any advise on this.
  4. Update: engine must be running for SFPI to work.
  5. See screenshot attached.
  6. Whatever position I put flaps in, indicator remains on 0/0. No engines running yet, flaps and slats are out as confirmed by outside wing view. Just following the expanded procedures list
  7. Following step by step the official iniSimulations PDF included checklst for the A310, there is on page 36 the following check: Slat-Flap Position Indicator Check SFPI agrees with the selected position However,with slats/flaps extended the indicator is not showing the position and remains 0 / 0 Is this indicator not functional or is it (my) bug..?
  8. Just purchased this model from iniBuilds. Would like to get the best and most realistic experience. In addition to the video's posted, can you recommend where to get good (PDF) material for getting to know all the in-and outs of this model? Thanks in advance!
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