LevelUp 737
28 files
Singapore Airlines - (9V-MGA) [LevelUP 737-800]
By jettojig
Singapore Airlines operates 9 737-800s on routes from Singapore across Asia. These were all inherited from former subsidiary SilkAir.
The correct config for this livery is Blended Winglets, PiP, No SATCOM, and Plugged Eyebrow Windows.
If you require a specific reg variant, please contact me and I will consider adding it to the pack.
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Turkish Airlines - PACK [LevelUP 737-800]
By jettojig
Tukish Airlines operates 40 737-800s on routes from Turkey across Europe and Asia.
This pack contains two different configurations of 737 in Turkish's fleet.
The correct configs for these liveries is:
TC-JFL Blended Winglets, No PiP, No SATCOM, and Plugged Eyebrow Windows;
TC-JZH Blended Winglets, PiP, No SATCOM, and Plugged Eyebrow Windows.
If you require a specific reg variant, please contact me and I will consider adding it to the pack.
Don't forget to click "send me version updates" above to be notified when a new reg/update is available!
Japan Airlines - PACK [LevelUP 737-800]
By jettojig
Japan Airlines operates 48 737-800s within Japan and on short routes to
Within this pack are two registrations - JA304J and JA349J.
The correct config for these aircraft is:
JA349J Blended Winglets, PiP, Rear-1 SATCOM, and Plugged Eyebrow Windows;
JA304J Blended Winglets, Classic Engines, No SATCOM, and Plugged Eyebrow Windows;
This is not a full fleet pack, though if you require a specific reg please contact me and I can add it to the pack.
Don't forget to click "send me version updates" above to be notified when a new reg/update is available!